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Are you looking for truly good New Year’s resolutions?

Are you looking for truly good New Year’s resolutions?

Deciding to be better at any time of the year is perfect, but there is some magic around New Year’s. It is like you want to open a new page in your book and fill it with the best possible life expierences.
New Year’s Resolutions ideas for your financial habits, money, abundance
1. Donate to a worthy cause
Whenever you can, share. It can be money, clothing, food to animal shelters. Whenever you give from the bottom of the heart, you get back. So be kind and share, even if it’s little amount.

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2. Find a new side hobby that can make you money
And you can save specifically from this side job for example travelling to the place you have always dreamed of. It can also be some thing or other expierence you truly desire.

3. Get the promotion you desire
It starts in your mindset, as we already discussed. Start believe that you deserve that promotion, visualize very detalised how would that look like, feel like. While visualizing, FEEL IT like it is already there. Do this practise as often as you can, and then don’t be surprised about miracles that are about to show up.

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Mindset is one, but you also have to take action. You can do the best you can in your job to show some trust to your boss, do a bit more than you have to (but with a clear heart and clear mind, with an intention).

4. Work in a company that you are all passionate about
You can only feel alive and live a good life when you do something you love or admire. If you don’t like your current work situation, quit it, and go for all 110% to a job you would really love to do. It is a great New Year’s resolutions idea to go for.

5. Save 30% of your income
This is a game changer for me. When you have that mindset that you have to actually save and you have commited to it, after some time you see a huge difference in your financial situation. Now you actually have some side money and you can always be sure that you have the money in whenever situation is about to come up.

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You will say ‘’30% is more than I can afford to save!’’, but my answer is : when you don’t have enough, you are forced to think this way – I just have to increase my income! Think smart, start freelancing, find that new hobby that can actually make you money. It may seem scary at first, but after all it is easy and in the end – rewarding.

So what’s the New Year’s resolutions you will set? How will you try to change your life?

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